Missions and vision

As Christians we are passionate about supplying high-quality church coffee that really makes a difference. 

The core aims of New Eden are two-fold:

  • To supply great-tasting, artisanal, ethical coffee to churches, charities and other organisations
  • To support Christian mission by providing financial and practical support to good causes at home and overseas.

Put simply, we're putting Christian mission at the core of what we do. One way in which we do that is by donating 10% of New Eden’s profits to Christian charities. 

More about missions

Five per cent of our profits go to Be Free, the Elim Missions’ stand against human exploitation, with another five per cent currently going to Woodbank Community Church, our home church in Whitehaven, Cumbria, to support local mission projects.

We’re also open to providing practical support to Christian causes as well as financial support, depending on need.

For us, it’s important that we don’t just provide great-tasting coffee but that New Eden also serves the community, in the UK where we roast and overseas where we source our beans from.

Through the donations New Eden makes and the helping hand they give to people supported by the missions, we hope to give a glimpse of the immense love that God shows us every day.

We want to help people see who God really is and help to break through some of the misconceptions that exist about Him.

More about church coffee

We’ve drunk coffee in many different churches over the years and we know that quality of the cuppas served after services can vary dramatically. Sometimes it’s the quality of the coffee itself and sometimes it’s good coffee that’s not been brewed quite right to produce the optimal results.

We want to change that. We’re dedicated to both providing high-quality, ethically-sourced coffee and the knowledge of how to prepare it so you end up with a great-tasting cuppa every time.

In essence

For as long as we’ve roasted coffee, we’ve sought to ensure that everyone involved in the supply of our products is treated fairly, and that’s why we only buy from suppliers who can provide full traceability for their beans and who we can be confident are fairly treating the coffee farmers and everyone else involved in the production process.

Through New Eden, we’re taking that quest for fairness a step further by supporting missions that seek to improve the lives of all kinds of people locally, nationally and internationally. In essence, through New Eden we seek to love God and love our neighbour, whatever their area of need.

And that means that, when you buy coffee from us, you can be confident that you – and everyone in your church, charity or other organisation – is supporting local, national and international mission with every sip of great-tasting coffee. You can’t say fairer than that, can you?

Share our heart for mission? Why not check out our range of coffee option here: https://newedencoffeeroasters.com/collections